(Email from Guy Pierce, November 16, 2011 slightly edited)


Hi Joe


Just discovered your website, well done. I have some info that should fill some holes.


Briefly . . . my time at SC was 7/73 (SCL Operations Manager) to 11/86 (Technical Manager Operations, Container Division).


I joined Amficon in 1989 and left the industry in 2000. My aim was to move into sales within the industry, but that didnt happen, which was a pity as I ended up doing just that and bringing a company back from the brink in a totally different industry up north.


Retired now and living in Seaford, East Sussex.


[Note from editor: this was the first item in a long list of suggested additions and amendments to the Database of Alumni, sent to me via several email messages which illness prevented me from incorporating into the website at the time. This is now being done and my grateful thanks to Guy for this help. Other browsers: nudge, nudge. Joe Sinclair]