A Page of Verse 

I'm a model of self-change 

I set out to change
myself, rearrange
all the parts.
Make a new start.

To therapy I went.
For 18 years I spent
huge sums of money;
none of it funny.

Had tried humanistic;
was more realistic,
than NLP,
but it wasn't for me.

Forum for 3 years;
laughter and tears;
altered my views.
Generally good news.

Forty years ago began
on this journey, and ran
through every technique;
there's nothing left to seek.

Now poetry I'm plying
and I am trying,
to write two thousand rhymes,
within a one-year time.

Changed I am not,
hardly a jot,
transformed maybe slightly,
I now step more lightly.

Is there hope for you?
This magazine will do.
Just as you suspected,
youšll be resurrected!

                       Laurie Phillips 30.10.02

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