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Editing and publishing journals

I have been a member of the the Group Relations Training Association, the Independent Practitioners Network, and the Dorset Association of Complementary Practitioners.  For several years, during my membership of the last three organisations, I produced and edited journals or newsletters for each of them.

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I also produced the house magazine of the container division of the Sea Containers Group of companies for more than 18 years, giving up this activity early in 2003, when my closest associate in Sea Containers, Rob Ward, retired together with his personal assistant Audrey Goodson who had been giving me sterling secretarial help throughout that time.  

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It was difficult to give up an association with Sea Containers that had endured for more than three decades, and the effort that had gone into  GESeaCo Confidential was re-channelled into promoting a website devoted to the alumni of the Sea Containers organisation.  SCOLD (a somewhat tongue-in-cheek acronym for Sea Containers' Old Lags' Domain) may be viewed here.

Early in 1999 I undertook the editorship of New Learning, a quarterly journal published by the NLP-Education Network which enjoyed a gratifying international reputation for the quality of its material.  After three years, alas, the magazine had to cease publication when its sponsoring organisation went into decline.

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This, however, afforded the opportunity to embark on a venture that had been occupying my thoughts for many years.  Over far too many cups of coffee, at several breakfast meetings, Michael Mallows and I thrashed out ways and means of devising our own magazine.

We agreed that much of the philosophy behind the magazines on which we had collaborated in the past needed to be incorporated into the new magazine.  We determined ultimately on the name Nurturing Potential and agreed that it would be published by ASPEN.   It was decided to produce this electronically every two months, with a paper issue three times a year.  It would combine themes such as Education, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Groupwork, as well as articles deriving from Emotional Freedom Techniques, Attitudinal Healing, Co-Counselling, Transactional Analysis, Business and the Arts, with the main aim that they be under-pinned by the belief that human potential can be nurtured and encouraged to flourish.  

A prototype issue was produced in the Summer of 2002.   At the end of 2003 ASPEN had published ten issues of the online edition and five issues of the paper magazine.  All may be viewed at www.nurturingpotential.net.  The cover designs of the five published issues, plus the projected design for the next issue, are shown below.